Sustainable urban mobility

The mobility of the future is electric

In a scenario in which the promotion of sustainable mobility is an obligatory task for society, Saba continues to promote the development of its charging infrastructure to accompany the deployment of electric vehicles.

As of December 31, 2023, the company had 1,280 charging points in six countries, approximately half of which were promoted by Saba through alliances with different suppliers since 2018. In parallel, the Group's car parks also host charging platforms promoted by third parties. This dual management model allows Saba to considerably increase its charging infrastructure and cover the demand of its various types of customers.

Saba has a semi-fast recharge mode for general short-stay and linked charging for subscribers —with the ParkElectric product, which includes a fixed parking space with a charging point—, as well as solutions for companies (professional vehicle fleets and electric carsharing). Additionally, the aim is to install super-fast electric charging points in those car parks where there is sufficient contracted electrical power.

Saba continues to promote the development of its charging infrastructure to accompany the deployment of electric vehicles

Consolidation of the model in 2023

charging stations

606 SABA / 674 Third parties

Kg of CO2 avoided1

1 Data obtained on 606 parking spaces in Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Chile and Germany.


An opportunity to expand the charging infrastructure in Spain

When deploying new charging points, Saba always bases its service offer within the current limits of electrical power that are contracted in each car park. On this basis, a maximum of 20, 30 or 40 parking spaces per car park can be electrified, but not 100 or 200. Expanding power in Spain means incurring a lengthy process in terms of time and costs.

For this reason, Saba requests that the authorities streamline the procedures and capacity to manage this increase in power and also request greater financial aid to offset the cost of investing in a new electrical connection, as well as the higher monthly costs of power contracts.

The company values very positively the impact of the Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE) and the aid that has been provided to the automotive sector in Spain, but it is essential that it also helps the deployment of electric charging infrastructure. Without this, electric vehicle penetration will be limited.

Rising trend in the Saba charger network

The company, which has one of the largest charging networks in the sector, intends to continue increasing the supply of available parking spaces as long as the requirements of economic viability and minimal market demand are met. In 2023, the installation of charging parking spaces in car parks in Italy and the United Kingdom for the first time in the Group and the increase in operational chargers in Portugal, Spain and Chile were of particular relevance.

In relation to charging time, charger operations grew by 62% compared to the previous year. This increase coincides with the increase in the number of operational chargers and, additionally, reflects the greater weight of recurring customers, especially in Spain, where Saba has greater experience and the service is more widespread.

1,2 million kWh1

intended for charging electric vehicles in 2023

(+46% compared with 2022)

1 Data obtained on 606 parking spaces in Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Chile and Germany.

During 2023, 1,194,790 kWh (817,833 kWh in 2022) went to the charging of electric vehicles parked in our car parks, 46% higher than the 2022 figure, driven by an increase in supply and greater use. It is necessary to highlight the growth in Portugal, a country that has successfully promoted the transition to electric mobility, as evidenced by the percentage of sales of plug-in electric vehicles, greater than 30% in 2023. In Chile, the agreement with a company dedicated to last-mile delivery with electric vehicles stands out. On the other hand, we should also mention the good reception in the United Kingdom in its first year of use.

The increase in kWh delivered contributes to the increase in kg of CO2 avoided, 33% higher than the previous year, a consequence of the evident and sustained support that Saba is offering to the development of electric vehicles in the urban environments where it operates.

Strategic allies in the transition to electric mobility

All charging speeds

Ultra-fast, fast and semi-fast.

Options for short-stay and subscribers

ParkElectric, the linked charging solution.

Solutions for carsharing and fleets

We promote the deployment of electric vehicles for companies.

Zero emission car parks

Facilities equipped with photovoltaic panels and energy accumulators that minimise consumption.

Battery station

A single infrastructure for battery swapping models.

Single person mobility

Options for loading bicycles, motorcycles or other VMPs.

Photovoltaic car parks: self-consumption and zero emissions

The installation of photovoltaic, or solar, panels on the roofs of surface car parks is a trend in countries that enjoy a large number of hours of sunshine, as for example in the case of Spain, Portugal and Italy within the perimeter of the Saba group. This makes it possible to get the maximum performance from renewable energy, while generating electricity from a clean source. The operation model of these facilities varies depending on the country and the needs of the car park (with or without connection to the grid, self-consumption, with batteries that accumulate energy, etc.).

In 2021, Saba carried out a first pilot test in the Saba Lisbon University Stadium car park with a canopy equipped with 27 solar panels. After evaluating its performance, the company replicated the model in 2023 at Saba Palácio da Justiça, also in Lisbon, with an installation capable of generating 21 kWh.

Also in 2023, an installation was launched in Saba Pl. d'Europa (Platja d'Aro, Spain) with 120 photovoltaic panels which, combined with the installation of energy accumulators, offer a capacity of 50 kWh. This allows the car park to provide power to the 10 charging stations (which can be expanded in the future depending on demand) and to use the surplus to power the various operating systems.

Already in 2024, Saba has continued its journey in this field with two new facilities in Spain. The first, at Saba Sant Pau Hospital (Barcelona) and the second, at Saba Santa Catalina, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Each one produces around 60 kWh and covers a combined surface area of 500 m2.

Saba will continue analysing the possibility of deploying new photovoltaic installations in different countries despite not having a large network of surface car parks, a fact that it compensates with the possibility of covering access or exit ramps, as well as high-rise car park covers. These solutions bring Saba closer to a zero-emission parking model capable of fuelling its operations through self-consumption.

Photovoltaic canopies at Saba Hospital de Sant Pau (Barcelona) and Saba Pl. d'Europa, Platja d'Aro (Girona).