Sustainable urban mobility

An open door to new mobility

Saba maintains agreements with around 15 vehicle rental and carsharing operators in various cities in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Chile and the United Kingdom. In 2023 These services covered 3,300 parking spaces taking advantage of the capillarity of Saba’s network, which allows for the free-floating model, based on vehicles that can be collected and parked at any of these hubs.

Car parks let owners conceal their cars, they facilitate efficient movement in full coordination with the other means of transport, in a regime of intermodality, contributing to reducing traffic caused by cruising for parking and reducing emissions.

Carsharing and rental in 2023

parking spaces in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Chile
and the United Kingdom
Agreements with the
main operators
Solutions for
electric vehicles

The company is prepared for the gradual progression towards electrification, including corporate vehicle fleets

Saba conceives of its infrastructures as mobility exchange points by integrating all modes of transport (bicycles, scooters, motorcycles and cars), whether for personal or shared use (renting and carsharing); and in many cases it also plays a fundamental role in intermodality with public transport (railway/metro/bus stations/airports), taking advantage of its privileged locations. Society and those who define mobility policies need to understand how to assess the potential of “invisible” infrastructures at prime locations properly to promote truly sustainable and balanced mobility between private and public transport.

The company is prepared for the growth of these services and its gradual progression towards electrification, including corporate vehicle fleets. In Spain, more and more companies are promoting the electrification of their vehicles with the aim of reducing their carbon footprint. This will certainly be one of the main elements for the progressive growth of electric mobility in the country.

To accompany this transition towards zero-emission vehicles, Saba has signed important agreements in Spain with top-level companies for their fleets to be able to park, and recharge, in its car park network. It is the case of Pascual, whose fleet of 600 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles was using a perimeter of 80 car parks throughout Spain since 2022 to carry out its daily operations.

On the other hand, companies such as MEC Carsharing, which exclusively offers electric vehicles to its customers, have more than 20 parking spaces in different Group car parks thanks to the charging infrastructure that Saba makes available. Just like private users, carsharing companies can benefit from the same system of reserved parking space with exclusive electric charger. These initiatives are the result of a continual effort to collaborate with car manufacturers and operators in pursuit of the best technological and sales fit in its facilities. In the coming years, Saba trusts in the progressive electrification of the carsharing and rental vehicle fleet as a formula to continue consolidating its electric charging business model.

Saba, an indispensable partner for 100% sustainable deliveries

In 2023, Saba and Mercado Libre, the leading e-commerce platform in Latin America, signed an agreement so that its fleet of electric vans could park and recharge batteries in 10 company car parks. The privileged location of Saba's car parks, together with the pool of charging points offered by the company in collaboration with Enel X, allows e-commerce operator to develop their activity seamlessly.

Saba has been exploring the last-mile distribution sector for years in order to offer solutions to potential customers, both as break points and for package storage — provided that the country's legislation allows it— or simply as a car park, with the possibility of charging the batteries of electric vehicles. These types of initiatives bring out the best performance from the infrastructure of Saba's sustainable service hubs.