Company information

Business and salient figures

Financial year 2023 saw the consolidation of the full recovery of mobility globally after a few completely atypical years marked by the profound impact of the pandemic.

The elimination of the imposed mobility restrictions, which to a greater or lesser extent were in force until the beginning of 2022, favoured the progressive recovery of parking activity, which has continued throughout 2023, allowing the re-establishment of activity levels which were normal prior to the pandemic.

In 2023, the activity of the network's car parks as a whole reached 95% of that registered in 2019 in terms of accumulated short-stay hours, with a subscriber portfolio which exceeds that existing in the said year and growth compared to 2022 of 6% in short-stay hours and 3% in subscribers. It should be noted that the pace of demand recovery between countries, types of centres and/or activity segments is heterogeneous due to various factors.

In 2023, the activity of the network's car parks as a whole reached 95% of that registered in 2019

Regarding the salient figures for financial year 2023, operating income amounted to 308 million euros, 13% higher than in 2022, while EBITDA stood at 143 million euros, also 13% up on 2022, in both cases higher than the 2019 figures.

The company invested 26 million euros in financial year 2023, maintaining efforts to increase the operational efficiency of the business and implement initiatives that allow Saba to become a benchmark in the sector, with special focus on new support systems, new technologies and energy efficiency, in addition to innovative sales formulas and initiatives, and in developing active, growth-focused contract management.


short-stay hours




operating income