Company information

Business model

Saba's business is embodied in a variety of contracts (concession, ownership, rental, management), with an estimated average life of 18 years, including management contracts, which consolidate the future of the company. With a focus on the long term, Saba tries to renew contracts and complete new operations in order to extend the life of its contracts and thus have a solid basis to finance new investments.

Within the vision of the car park as a hub of mobility services for people, companies and goods, Saba's response to aid this sustainable and efficient mobility is the concept of Smart Parking, with the widest range of mobility services for people, with technology, innovation and intelligent business strategies to facilitate the best possible response to customer needs.

The promotion of sales activity is a pillar of the present and future to optimise the Group's income

Its industrial profile, with commitment, responsibility and active participation in management is part of the company's philosophy of action and development, which adopts a long-term approach to the advancement of its business interests.

As well as the measures for optimisation, operational efficiency, energy efficiency and expense management, there are those that allowed the company to position itself as a benchmark in the sector. And in this respect the strengthening of sales activity is key, a pillar for the present and future to optimise the Group's income. Mobility is changing and so are the needs of Saba’s customers. In this scenario, challenges arise for customer loyalty and the adaptation of short-stay and subscription products to the new reality of work, shopping and leisure.

Saba works to ensure it has the most cutting-edge innovation and new sales strategies, incorporating smart services related to the mobility of people and vehicles. In this sense, Saba was a pioneer in the installation of OBEs in Spain (VIA T) and successfully promoted this system in Chile (TAG), Italy (Telepass) and Portugal (Via Verde), as well as in payment through QR technology and the new service Ticketless, which associates a number plate with a means of payment. It has a website and App that have already been deployed in various countries, which allow the sale of 100% digital products, and which in 2024 were updated to adapt to the constantly changing environment.

In addition, Saba has promoted new control systems, discount automation at payment machines, number plate recognition at car park entrances/exits and the development of services associated with the car, especially for electric vehicles, and the car park (3G coverage, remote management, among others), as well as new sustainable last-mile urban micro-distribution activities.

The CSCC acts as a remote management centre and as a Contact Centre with a sales and quality of service vocation

Saba’s Customer Service and Control Centre (CSCC) responds multi-dimensionally to this positioning, acting not only as a remote management centre, but also as a true “Contact Centre” with a sales vocation that allows Saba to enhance the quality of its customer service. At the close of 2023, a total of 301 connected centres and 220 car parks in Spain, Italy and Portugal were connected to the CSCC.

During 2023, Saba received a total of 207,472 requests through its different communication channels in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Chile and the United Kingdom. For its part, the CSCC answered 2,296,222 intercom calls from car parks in Spain, Italy and Portugal. Similarly, the CSCC processed 19,898 requests related to products via email in Spain.

In this scenario of sustainable mobility, a strategic functionality for Saba is the provision of electric charging infrastructure, essential to accompany the development of electric vehicles. Since 2018, the year in which the App charging service began, Saba has been providing its car parks with the electric charging system. As of December 31, 2023, the group has more than 1,280 electric charging points in the car parks in its network, 606 of which are managed directly and the rest operated by third parties. Regarding the service offering in this chapter, Saba has semi-fast charging for short-stay in general and linked charging for subscribers, with the ParkElectric product, with a fixed parking space, as well as for fleets of professional vehicles. Additionally, Saba plans to install super-fast electric charging points in those car parks where there is sufficient contracted electrical power.

Car parks are also ideal locations for use as distribution microhubs. Saba responds to the new needs derived from e-commerce and micro-distribution, providing the possibility of picking-up e-commerce purchases thanks to the installation of lockers in its car parks, with 24/7 access. In this area, Saba participates in a last-mile distribution project through the Geever company, based on a network of proximity microhubs, with night logistics and means of active and personal micromobility (bicycles, scooters, forklifts, etc.) .

Car parks are also ideal locations for use as distribution microhubs