Company information


Saba is a company committed to corporate values that place its team at the centre. The Group creates value through the professionals that comprise it and contributes strategically to innovation, competitiveness and social responsibility. Offering a balanced work environment, healthy as well as professionally and healthily competitive, is equivalent to achieving excellence as a company.

As of December 31, 2023 Saba’s workforce is made up of 2,176 people, 32% (687) women and the remaining 68% (1,489) men. It should be noted that the percentage of employees with some type of disability at Saba is 2.8% of the total, a fact that demonstrates the desire to offer equal opportunities to all talent, regardless of personal conditions. At the close of the 2023 financial year, the workforce with a permanent contract represented 90%.

Distribution of the workforce by geographical area
As of 31 December 2023




Indefinite contracts

Saba’s organisational model is designed to meet the objectives of operational efficiency, constant innovation and growth, all under the premise of “Think globally and act locally”, a consequence of the nature of the company’s business and geographical diversification.

Saba continues to promote the commitment and performance of its employees, accompanying its transformation process with various strategic initiatives:


Strengthening of the transformation of corporate culture, based on collaboration and entrepreneurship, which revolves around the set of corporate values and which generate differentiating identity traits.


Evolution of the personnel relationship model: closer, promoting the empowerment and responsibility of each employee.


Promoting professional development and talent, based on knowledge and the establishment of a leadership model that enables the achievement of future challenges.


New collaborative work schemes, forming multidisciplinary teams which share objectives and challenges, and work with autonomy and execution capacity in order to improve quality, productivity, efficiency and commitment.


Adapting organisational structures in a way that facilitates transformation.


Ensure at all times the safety and occupational health of people and labour relations.

In 2023, Saba communicated to its entire workforce the Management's commitment to equal opportunities, as well as diversity and inclusion, with a focus in 2023 on the preparation of the Equality Plan in Spain.

Saba promotes the principles of equality, sensitivity and development of people, which are reflected in the selection and professional promotion processes, personnel training, access to information, risk prevention and occupational health, the area of remuneration, working relationships and communication.

For more information on social issues related to personnel, please see the Non-Financial Information Statement 2023.