ESG: Sustainability

ESG: Sustainability

The Saba group maintains the performance of its activity within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reiterating its commitment to the territory and focused on compliance with ESG criteria, aware of the need to act on the effects that the activity of companies has on the environment, directly or indirectly, the impact on its social environment, the community, and all those codes of conduct or transparency policies in public information which, for the most part, encompass the company’s corporate governance.

The company has established a series of priorities to advance in the creation of economic, social and environmental value and ensure that the needs of its stakeholders are satisfied, while the business develops and generates value.

In this sense, the roadmap that marks Saba’s sustainability strategy is aligned with GRI Standards. Saba’s priorities are creating value for society and the environment. For this reason, the entire organisation works to maintain a solid sustainability strategy and properly manage the most important economic, environmental and social aspects.

The company has established a series of priorities to advance the creation of economic, social and environmental value and ensure that the needs of its stakeholders are satisfied

The way of working that defines the Group is that of a shared commitment project, translated into customer service, involvement and responsibility with the territories in which it operates, being an active player in the progress of cities. All this, together with the brand identity and social and ethical aspects, comprise Saba’s differentiating elements.

During the 2023 financial year, Saba reiterated its support for projects such as the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact), the largest corporate sustainability initiative in the world, with the mandate of the United Nations to catalyse the efforts of the private sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and drive the implementation of the Ten Principles on human rights, labour standards, the environment and the fight against corruption, by the business community and organisations.

Saba’s activity is carried out bearing in mind especially the objectives that concern climate action, in line with actions to combat climate change and its effects; sustainable cities and communities, with the development of solutions in the field of urban mobility; and infrastructure innovation, improvement and technology.

You may consult the Non-Financial Information Statement of Saba 2023 and the report on environmental, social and Corporate Governance issues . here.