After two years marked —I would say almost exclusively— by the outbreak and evolution of the COVID-19 health crisis, FY2022 found us in a scenario not very different from the pre-pandemic period in terms of activity levels. A year in which the invasion of Ukraine continues to sow tragedy, in terms of human lives and displaced people, and still with no hope of resolution. This military conflict created a new scenario, which is still impacting us, affecting variables in our environment, especially those related to consumption, volatility in financial and commodity markets, and higher inflation, energy prices and interest rates.
In this sense, the Group works to safeguard its structure against high energy prices, containing these increases thanks to the policy of making electricity purchases in the futures market, thus gaining stability and minimising the impact on our electricity bill. Although it is true that both the futures prices and the forecasts of most analysts in the sector coincide in reflecting energy prices, for the next 12 months, which are more favourable for economic growth, we will continue on this same path of review and stabilisation.
Similarly, in difficult times like the present, with widespread price and interest rate rises which increase financial vulnerabilities, we will examine the decisions of central banks, among other institutions, to monitor the effects of their measures.