ESG: Sustainability


Saba identifies the environmental aspects arising from its activities, providing an in-depth analysis of it processes map, and measures its impacts through the calculation of the carbon footprint in accordance with internationally recognised standards and verifies said calculation through a qualified third party. This exercise allows the profiling of more adequate objectives and the implementation of actions that contribute to the fight against climate change. In this regard, Saba includes this point as part of its business strategy, boosting initiatives that contribute to progress in the ecological transition and towards an economy low in carbon emissions.

Significant initiatives

Energy and Certification Management System

The Group has environmental (ISO 14001) and energy efficiency (ISO 50001) regulations in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Chile, and expects to set up soon in the United Kingdom and afterwards in the remaining countries.


Saba trabaja continuamente en la transformación digital de sus procesos y ha implementado un plan de formación híbrido, tanto presencial como e-learning, que permite sensibilizar a toda la plantilla y promover campañas dirigidas a desplegar conductas más sostenibles y respetuosas con el medio ambiente: gestión de residuos, eficiencia energética, protocolo de emergencia, impacto ambiental, entre otras cuestiones.

Monitoring of facilities

The company has a system to control and manage consumption that enables the monitoring of the facilities in real time (consumption, power, intensity), the registration of consumed energy in each car park, and the registration of consumption trends and the subsequent analysis of variations to determine corrective measures. Implemented in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Chile, it will be extended to the remaining Group companies in the following years.

Energy savings

Saba promotes and implements different measures to directly affect electricity savings:

Change of lighting to LED technology programmable

Installation of high energy efficiency lifts

Condenser bank

Renewal of more energy efficient ventilation equipment

These measures have already been implemented in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Chile and work is being carried out to extend them to the remaining countries at short term.

All these measures are accompanied by the design of facilities, which take into account the improvements in energy performance, savings in consumptions and climate change, boosting of the electric vehicle or the decisive pledge of the company for sustainable urban goods distribution.

Carbon footprint

To assess its environmental impact and make its stakeholders participate, Saba calculates and verifies the carbon footprint of its activities, organising the emitting sources (consumption) in scope, taking as a base the degree of impact of activities on them. The carbon footprint has been calculated since 2011 and it has been verified since 2016.


Measurements in equivalent TnCO₂*

Type of emissions:
Scope 1:

Diesel oil C, diesel oil vehicle fleet and coolant gases.

Scope 2:

Electrical consumption.

Scope 3:

Purchase of goods and services (consumption water, paper, toner), hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste, corporate trips and transport and distribution.

With regard to the services provided by Saba, the greatest existing environmental impact, corroborated by the calculation of the carbon footprint, is the energy consumption derivative (Scope 2), which represents around 86% of Saba’s emissions. The result of the calculation of global emissions in 2021 is 10.356 tCO2eq, up 9% on the previous year, mainly due to the increase in petrol consumption for fleet after a year such as 2020, with very few trips due to the restrictions implemented during the pandemic.