
Salvador Alemany

After two years marked by an unprecedented global emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, we are faced with a crisis of a huge magnitude in the form of the invasion of Ukraine and the drastic turnaround in international geopolitics, with all its collateral effects. The cost in human lives is irreparable and irrecoverable. In terms of social responsibility, Saba is taking steps to collaborate in the care and subsidence of refugees in Spain as a result of the war or in humanitarian corridors in countries in which we operate such as Slovakia.

Despite this being a summary of 2021, it is necessary to note down a reflection regarding the framework in which we currently find ourselves and in which variables such as high inflation, the rising price of supplies and raw materials or the cost of energy play a significant part. We are paying attention to tax and monetary policies and to the adjustment and stability measures which, over the next months, are going to be adopted and we will supervise the financial and non-financial impacts on a constant basis, arising from this series of factors.

We are witnessing a turnaround in international geopolitics, with all its collateral effects

The Company has managed to increase EBITDA to 103 million euros

As has been the case for over 50 years, Saba will face all the situations that arise along the way, with the ability to react and adapt which, for example, in 2020, enabled us to keep our service running while preserving the health of the human team at all times, before and now. And in 2021, with effects on activities still caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, especially in the first quarter, we have maintained that spirit to overcome, working to adapt parking to the mobility needs of our customers and the cities, and conceiving the parking networks as hubs of mobility services for people and goods.

With regard to the main aggregates in 2021, and in a climate of recovery from the second quarter of the year thanks to the global progressive improvement of the epidemiological situation, the company has managed to increas Ebitda to 103 million euros. We have combined optimisation measures, business operating efficiency, energy efficiency and expense management with the implementation of business initiatives that enable us to position ourselves as a benchmark in the sector. This is the case of the adaptation of marketing channels (digitalisation of the business, web and App) to the new needs that have arisen with the pandemic (products for new mobility habits). Likewise, we have maintained growth, always selective, as one of the company’s vectors.

In this chapter, as in 2020 and, despite the effects of the healthcare crisis, in 2021, Saba concluded development operations, among new projects and renewals, in most of the countries in which we operate. In Spain, of note is the car park concession contract of the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, with nearly 900 spaces.

Lastly, we highlight growth in Germany, with the granting of lease arrangements at the shopping centres of City Galerie (1,611 spaces), in Aschaffenburg, close to Frankfurt and Bergedorf (660 spaces), in Hamburg. At present, Saba is a group that manages over 382,000 spaces at 1,051 car parks, with a workforce of 2,099 employees and which is present in 179 cities in 9 countries.

In the same way, we remain active in the process of requesting rebalances of concessions to correct the impact of COVID-19, taking into account that Saba continued providing its services during the pandemic, since they were deemed to be essential, despite the drastic traffic restrictions.

In 2021, Saba consolidated itself as a benchmark operator, strengthening the role of parking as an essential component to regulate road congestion and an intermodal hub of the urban mobility network. Car parks are not a part of the problems generated by traffic in the cities. They are part of the solution. They are mobility service hubs, points that take advantage of the strategic locations in urban centres, their capillarity in the whole city and their uninterrupted service to work as a player integrated into the people mobility chain and the policy (sharing, electric vehicle) and also goods (last mile).

In June 2021, Saba joined the shareholder structure of Geever, operator specialised in the distribution of last mile goods, and which is highly sustainable, efficient and close at hand. For the last three years, Saba and Geever have worked together on a pilot test on nine car parks in Barcelona with excellent results, which enable the reduction of vans at rush hour and therefore of congestion and emissions, with goods being delivered at night by sustainable unipersonal vehicles. The impact on mobility is expressed by the fact that, after these years of test, failed deliveries dropped below 10%, making the distribution model less efficient from a sustainability standpoint.

Likewise, and within the last mile section, it must be highlighted that Saba has extended its offering to collect e-commerce products from lockers located at car parks belonging to its network: in Italy (InPost), Spain (Pudo, Amazon and Aliexpress), United Kingdom (Amazon) and Portugal (Correios de Portugal). We have around 120 lockers in these four countries.

At present, the Saba Group manages 382,000 spaces at 1,051 car parks and has a workforce of 2,099 people, being present in 179 cities in 9 countries

And that citizens can opt for a global offering of quality mobility services under an intermodality system

We consider that the taking of agreed well-studied decisions that guarantee the essential urban mobility of people is crucial, by managing it and not only through restrictions. And that citizens can opt for a global offering of quality mobility services under an intermodality system. The new consumer habits of people, with the concomitant change of paradigm and greater guidance towards sustainability, among other factors, require an in-depth debate among all the players involved to ensure the future of many generations, seeking a balance between sustainability and the activity and economy of cities. We maintain the commitment of our activity within the framework of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reiterating our commitment with the territory and focusing on compliance with ESG criteria (environment, welfare projects and good governance).

In the environmental area, we include the fight against climate change as part of our business strategy, boosting initiatives that contribute to progress in the ecological transition and towards a low carbon emission economy. For example, by extending the ISO 50001 Energy Management Certification to Spain, Italy, Portugal and Chile and shortly to the United Kingdom.

With regard to corporate governance, in 2021, Saba updated the Crime Manual approved in 2017, and monitored and analysed the approval and publication of the Code of Ethics in all the countries in which the Group operates. In welfare initiatives, all commitments have been maintained and even increased, aimed at protecting marginalised groups and hospital projects tied mainly to infancy. In 2021, the focus was placed on the commencement of procedures in this area in countries such as Italy and Portugal.

I would like to conclude this assessment with a memory, after two years of pandemic, for those that are no longer among us: friends, family members and colleagues. I would like to express my gratitude, also in the name of the Board of Directors, for the commitment demonstrated by all teams from the countries forming Saba, to move forward and aspire to consolidate ourselves as an international benchmark group without ever setting aside the values that have characterised us since 1965. And I would like to take advantage, now more than ever, to launch a message of hope in shaky times. It is precisely in these situations when solidarity, resilience and the overcoming of problems make us stronger as people and as a group.

Saba has continued with the approval and publication of its Code of Ethics in all countries in which the Group operates