The Group’s policy is to cover all significant exposure to risks as long as there are appropriate instruments and the cost of such protection is reasonable for the risks covered. Financial risk management is controlled by the Group’s Financial Board who takes the appropriate decisions with the prior authorization of Saba’s Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors.
Below are the main financial risks which have been identified:
Exchange rate risk. The Group operates internationally and owns assets the United Kingdom and Chile. Therefore it is exposed to an exchange rate risk for operations in pounds sterling and Chilean pesos. This exchange rate risk arises from future commercial transactions, recognized assets and liabilities and net investments in operations abroad.
In this regard, a 10% variation in the euro/Chilean peso and/or euro/pound sterling exchange rate as of financial year-end closing on 31 December 2018 would produce a minimal impact on the profit assets of the Group. Saba uses derivative financial instruments to manage fluctuations in exchange rates.
Interest rate risk. The interest rate risk to which the Company may be exposed arises from external financing. External financing issued at variable rates exposes the Group to interest rate risk of cash flows, while non-fixed interest rate financing expose the company to interest rate risks on fair value. Saba uses derivative financial instruments to manage fluctuations in interest rates, exchanging debt at variable interest for debt at a fixed rate, thus maintaining a balance between debt at variable and fixed rates.
Credit risk. In relation to banks and financial institutions, the company only works with financial institutions with proven creditworthiness. This creditworthiness is reviewed periodically.
In relation to commercial debtors, the Group assesses the creditworthiness of the client, taking into account its financial position, past experience and other factors. Individual credit limits are established based on internal ratings.
Below are the main business risks which have been identified:
Liquidity risk. Saba carries out the prudent management of liquidity risk, ensuring that there is sufficient cash and liquid assets, as well as enough funds to ensure fulfilment of its payment obligations.
Inflationary risk. Most of the car park concessions generate income whose rates vary directly according to inflation. Therefore, a scenario of increased inflation would lead to an increase in the valuation of these projects. In this regard, in relation to Royal Decree 55/2017 of 3 February which implements Law 2/2015 of 30 March on the de-indexation of the Spanish economy, it is estimated that the aforementioned Royal Decree will not have a significant impact on the rates applicable to Spanish concessions operated by the Group given that, in general, the aforementioned Royal Decree does not apply to existing concession contracts.
On 31 July 2018, CriteriaCaixa acquired 49% of Saba Infraestructuras from Torreal, KKR and ProA, going on to control 99% of the company’s share capital. CriteriaCaixa has been a shareholder in Saba since 2011, when Abertis Infraestructuras split its car park and logistics park businesses, and since then it has continued to support the company along its growth trajectory.
After some additional purchases of shares in December 2018, CriteriaCaixa (through CriteriaMovilidad) now owns a 99.5% stake in Saba Infraestructuras as of 31 December 2018, with minority shareholders holding 0.5% of the share capital. The number of minority shareholders, between owners and co-owners, is around 1,800.
The company has a Shareholder Office which boasts a number of tools. These allow not only maintaining regular contact with shareholders but providing them with relevant Saba information, especially in relation to activities, results or developments that may be of interest. The Shareholder Office responded to nearly 610 queries in 2018, managed with a clear focus on service quality. Half of these queries were regarding the purchase and sale of shares and 43% were requests for information regarding the various General Shareholders Meetings.