Saba Infrastructure celebrates five years. An adaptation project.
A period when the company's philosophy and way of being have led us to transform the company internally and thus increase the Group's operational efficiency, develop active contract management and seize growth opportunities, decisively implementing technological and business transformation initiatives that make Saba a benchmark in the sector.
All of this while primarily focusing on customer service quality.
(*) Data restated according to new commercial consolidated standards.
(**) Management scope excluding capital gains on divestments of logistics assets. 2011: Proforma consolidated figures for the 12 months of the year.
(1) EBITDA proforma: operating profit +/− disposals result +
repayment provision.
(*) Data restated according to new commercial consolidated standards.
(**) Management scope excluding capital gains on divestments of logistics assets. 2011: Proforma consolidated figures for the 12 months of the year.
(*) Data restated according to new commercial consolidated standards.
(**) Management scope excluding capital gains on divestments of logistics assets.
2011: Proforma consolidated figures for the 12 months of the year.