Corporate social responsibility
Saba is aware that the best results are always linked to the best ways of operating. Advancing towards sustainable and socially responsible competitiveness is a challenge of excellence for top tier companies. It is by moving towards those sustainable and socially responsible criteria that Saba will achieve the appropriate level of excellence to consolidate itself as the reference company that it is and that it aspires to continue being. Saba integrates sustainability as a factor inherent to decision making. This resolve entails its incorporation into the internal management processes, at the same level as factors such as cost-benefit analysis of projects, the cost of financing, business strategy and information technology, among other aspects.
Main lines of action
Saba insists on a continued effort to identify best practices in terms of energy efficiency by introducing efficient lighting. In this regard, Saba has been installing LED lighting in its car parks in Spain, Portugal and Italy since 2013. The result is more than considerable: in three years we have replaced more than 30,000 light fixtures in 74 car parks. These actions will reduce CO2 emissions by 2,000 tonnes per year in addition to an
electricity saving of approximately 55%.
In 2015, and with the aim of continuing to implement efficiency measures and of moving towards excellence in sustainability, Saba has voluntarily undergone verification of its carbon footprint by an independent third party, in a process of transparency and a thorough analysis of the data. In this sense, total CO2 emissions in 2015 increased by 2.9% compared to 2014, a figure that includes the increase in scope. In comparable terms, emissions fell by 0.7% compared to 2014, a figure that reflects the effort to push forward improvements in this sphere, in parallel to the development and growth of the car park network. A downward trend that has been registered for the fourth consecutive year.
The staff at Saba are the essential basis for development, growth and that which may be called the Saba style: culture of customer service, commitment to the environment, responsibility and honesty towards suppliers, and involvement in society. Saba works to ensure equal opportunities and against discrimination due to gender, race, country of origin, religion or age. It also continues to implement its commitments deriving from the Code of Ethics and to spread these to its entire structure. Standing out in this regard is its effort to achieve suitable coordination in all the countries where the company operates.
Another of the focuses of action relates to Saba's ongoing work towards labour integration with the signing of agreements with companies and foundations that facilitate the placement of disadvantaged groups so they can join the job market. The capillarity and territorial penetration typical of the company's business provide this capability to try to meet demand in this area. Agreements that can be highlighted here are those with the ONCE Foundation and the SIFU Group for subcontracting auxiliary services in car parks, in these cases promoting the integration of disabled people. Also worth underlining is the membership of the Incorpora programme, part of the
Welfare Projects of "la Caixa" Banking Foundation. It is an initiative based on labour intermediation, whose aim is to facilitate integration in the job market of people at risk of social exclusion.Finally, and related to Saba's social activity, we would like to highlight the transfer of premises at the Parc Logístic de la Zona Franca in Barcelona for the food collection campaign promoted by Banco de Alimentos in 2015, when over 4.5 million kilograms of food was donated.
In Chile, among other significant activities, the company has kept to its commitment with the Fundación Teletón for over four years, for disabled children and young people, working on their rehabilitation and contributing to cultural change in the country to support disabled people and their rights. Saba is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, supporting the 10 principles promoted by this institution, a benchmark for human rights, labour rights, the environment and anticorruption. The company remains committed to making the Global Compact and its principles part of the company's strategy, culture and daily activities, as well as to being involved in cooperative projects that contribute to the wider development goals of the United Nations. Saba is part of the Spanish Global Compact Network, which currently has more than 2,600 member institutions. This network has been, since its creation, one of the state platforms of the Global Compact with the highest number of signatories.
Likewise, it carries out its activity within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, especially those concerning action for the climate, in line with action on energy efficiency, and concerning sustainable cities and communities, with the development of solutions in the field of urban mobility. At the Summit for Sustainable Development held in September 2015, the member states passed these 17 Goals to put an end to poverty, fighting inequality and injustice, and to address climate change.