Saba improves the parking experience in Chile with TAG push

The elimination of pre-registration allows automatic access, exit and payment in 11 car parks

Although in recent years payment using QR technology and the new Ticketless service (or Barrierless systems, widespread in the United Kingdom and Germany), were gaining presence, Saba is confident of the potential growth of OBE in countries like Chile, where it is called “TAG”. In 2024, Saba launched, together with Autopase, a Vías Chile company that is a pioneer in offering a range of services associated with the TAG, an important innovation that will take the use of this device in the company's car parks to another level.

Saba and Autopase have developed a solution that allows customers to access, exit and pay in 11 Saba car parks automatically. The user needs only approach the access point and press the TAG button on the access screen and the barrier opens automatically. To date, in order to take advantage of the advantages of this service in Chile, TAG users —a system with very high penetration in Chile— also had to register the device at Saba, so many potential customers did not carry out this procedure due to administrative barriers.

The new TAG has been enabled in 11 locations


Saba Ricardo Lyon
Saba Guardia Vieja
Saba Pedro de Valdivia
Saba Marchant Pereira

Santiago centre

Saba Paseo Bulnes
Saba Plaza de la ciudadanía (Palacio de la Moneda)
Saba Plaza Mekis (Teatro Municipal)
Saba Santa Rosa
Saba Plaza de Armas
Saba Parque Forestal
Saba Santa Lucía

Now Saba customers have no excuse for not enjoying all the advantages of TAG and they can forget about queuing and going to the payment machine.

Last year, the various OBE electronic access, entry and payment systems that Saba has deployed in 155 car parks in four countries (VIA T in Spain, Via Verde in Portugal, Telepass in Italy and TAG in Chile) accumulated 16 million movements. To this must be added the growth of Saba Ticketless (number plate reading), a solution that continues to gain popularity and allows us to get to know the customer much better. It makes it possible to enter and leave car parks without stopping to collect the ticket or go to the ATM, with a 100% digital process. It is in operation in 76 car parks in Spain and in 160 in other countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany with similar systems, and in many cases without barriers.

Press TAG and park in record time