
Code of Ethics and Ethics Channel


Code of Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy

Saba involves its entire organization in the best Good Corporate Governance practices. It has set up communication channels with the Mission, Values, Code of Ethics and the business and development strategy, in addition to efforts in its interactions with stakeholders.

The mission of Saba’s Code of Ethics, approved in 2013, is to ensure we fulfil our duty under the law and align with the most positive values of our society.

The Code of Ethics and Anti-corruption Policy are applicable to Saba and the companies it controls, both in Spain and in the other countries where it is present, notwithstanding the adjustments that may be made in order to respect the specific legislation of each of the countries where these companies are located. It is binding on the members of Saba’s Management Bodies, its directors and all its employees.

Saba also has a Policy for Prevention of Corruption and for relations with government authorities and third parties, aiming to:

  • Establish principles of action for employees in their dealings with public authorities and private companies.
  • Protect the process of free competition and participation in all those public tenders in which Saba companies take part.
  • Protect free competition and participation in the acquisition and/or delivery of goods and/or services.
  • Implement a policy of Zero Tolerance corruption, both in relations with public authorities and with private business.
Ethics Channel
Code of Ethics
Anti-Corruption Policy
Ethics Channel Operation Policy